How Do Dentists Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

How Do Dentists Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is more common than you might think and can seriously affect your health. It happens when your airway gets blocked during sleep, leading to issues like heart problems, daytime tiredness, and even trouble thinking clearly.

While continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines are a well-known treatment, they're not everyone's cup of tea. Thankfully, at K Street Dental & Orthodontic Group in Washington, DC, our team offers another solution: the mandibular advancement device (MAD).

Obstructive sleep apnea explained

OSA occurs when your throat muscles relax too much while you sleep, causing your airway to narrow or close. This stops you from breathing properly, waking you up multiple times a night as your body fights to breathe again. 

Common signs include loud snoring, gasping for air during sleep, and feeling tired during the day.

How we as your dentists can help

We as dentists are key players in treating obstructive sleep apnea. We focus on dental sleep medicine using oral appliance therapy, which involves wearing a device in your mouth while you sleep to keep your airway open. 

One of the top devices we use is the mandibular advancement device (MAD).

Understanding a mandibular advancement device

A MAD is custom-made and looks like a mouthguard. You wear it while you sleep, and it works by gently moving your lower jaw forward. This small adjustment helps keep your airway open and reduces the chances of it collapsing.

A MAD works by nudging your lower jaw and tongue slightly forward, which tightens the muscles and tissues around your upper airway, reducing the risk of blockage. This means better airflow, less snoring, and fewer apnea episodes.

For a MAD to work well, it needs to fit perfectly. We take detailed impressions of your teeth and your bite to create a device that’s right for you. This ensures its effectiveness and comfort.

The benefits of a MAD

Wearing a MAD offers several advantages, including being: 

How well a MAD works

MADs can be very effective for treating mild to moderate OSA. Many users report less snoring and daytime fatigue. But how well it works depends on the severity of your OSA and other individual factors.

When you keep your regularly scheduled checkups with our dental team, we ensure that your MAD fits well and works effectively. We can also make any necessary adjustments to improve comfort and performance.

If you think you might have sleep apnea or find CPAP therapy challenging, come in for a consultation and evaluation. We specialize in dental sleep medicine and can provide the treatment you need so you can start getting a good night's sleep.

Reach out by calling to book an appointment at our Washington, DC, dental practice today.

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